Bayer Temprid SC
Active Ingredient: Imidaloprid 21% Beta-cyfluthrin 10.5%
Product Description:
- Dual mode of action from two active ingredients
- Controls all life stages of bed bugs: EGGS, nymphs and adults
- Residual effectiveness against bed bugs that lasts up to 6 months
- Fast acting knockdown and greater residual control on outdoor perimeter pests including spiders, cluster flies, earwigs and ants
- Product is for Commercial Use ONLY and cannot be sold to the public
- Dual mode of action from two active ingredients
- Product is for Commercial Use ONLY and cannot be sold to the public
- (Product Label Link)
SKU: 120071C Categories: Bayer, Commercial and Agricultural Insecticides, Gels and Dusts, Commercial Pest and Rodent Control Products