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Altosid Granular Fly Bait 2.27kg

Altosid Granular Fly Bait

Active Ingredients: 1.5% (S)-Methoprene
EPA Reg. #2724-451
A granular mosquito larvicide, Altosid® Pro-G prevents adult mosquito emergence in treated areas. This backyard mosquito control solution features the insect growth regulator (IGR) (S)-methoprene. Altosid® Pro-G mosquito larvicide is formulated with extended residual control, providing up to 30 days of protection in standing water.

  • Insect growth regulator breaks the mosquito life cycle
  • Includes convenient shaker top for easy application
  • Treats up to 5,455 sq ft or 20,183 gal of water
  • Approved to treat and prevent mosquitoes that can transmit West Nile virus, Zika virus, dengue fever, chikungunya, and other mosquito-borne diseases

None Stock Item for special order only call for pricing.